Outstanding Childcare

Nestled in the picturesque village of Keston, our family-run childminding setting offers a unique and enchanting environment for your child’s early years. Located on a stunning farm, surrounded by the beauty and serenity of nature, we provide a nurturing and engaging atmosphere for children from birth to 12 years old.

  • Jacquelyn

    A a qualified Artist and Interior Designer with a deep passion for working with children. Gained through many years of experience as a Junior Art Teacher. I excel in early years education (EYFS) and hold a Level 3 Diploma & Paediatric First Aid certification. My background in art and design allows me to create engaging, safe, and educational environments that foster creativity and development in young learners.

  • Caroline

    With over 35 years of experience in Early Years and Education, a qualified Montessori Expert and former owner of two schools founded in 1989. As a mother of three and grandmother to four, I cherish every moment spent inspiring young minds. My lifelong dedication to education and nurturing children is my greatest passion.

  • Fees are calculated as follows: Hourly rate x hours attended each day x number of days attended each week x 49 weeks per year / 12 months.

    We do not charge for our holiday periods, which typically include two weeks per year and the time between Christmas and New Year when we are closed.

    Please note that Bank Holidays, as well as your personal holidays and any absences due to illness, are still payable at the normal rate.

  • Additional hours will be charged and invoiced separately. For more details, please refer to our terms and conditions available in the policies section.

    Our Montessori approach aligns closely with the EYFS principles. Through careful observation, we work intimately with each child, fostering their holistic development and growth.

  • We adhere to the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), a mandatory government framework that sets standards for Early Years Providers to ensure children learn, develop, and remain healthy and safe. We collaborate closely with parents to support each child's learning journey.

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  • Our waiting list operates on a first-come, first-served basis, determined by the date a parent enrolls their child, not the date of the initial inquiry. If the sessions you require are available at the time of enrollment, your child will be admitted immediately. If the desired sessions are not available, your child will be added to the waiting list until the sessions become available.

    Additionally, we may give priority to children who have siblings already attending our facility.

  • Rayne Lux Daycare welcomes all families in the community. We accept children regardless of gender, special educational needs, disabilities, background, religion, ethnicity, or language. In certain circumstances, we may engage in discussions with parents to determine if our setting is the best environment for their child's growth and development. However, we will not deny admission based on these factors.

  • We offer flexible attendance patterns and strive to accommodate the needs of individual children and families whenever possible. To complete the enrollment process, parents must fill out an enrollment form, sign the terms and conditions, and submit a deposit of £200. Please contact us for more information.

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What we provide

  • Breakfast before 8am
  • Healthy nutritionally balanced snacks
  • Milk or Water
  • Fully cooked dinner
  • A happy environment for your child to flourish

What to bring

  • Slippers
  • Wellies
  • Warm coat for winter
  • Rain coat in the summer
  • Change of clothes suitable for the weather conditions
  • Nappies and wipes if your child still uses them
  • Formula milk and bottles
  • Sun hat / sun cream in the warmer weather
  • A healthy lunch containing no nuts
Enroll Now

Book A Visit

We offer settling-in sessions to help ease your child’s transition and ensure we understand their routine, preferences, and needs. Typically, we conduct two sessions:

  1. The first session lasts approximately one hour and involves completing an "All About Me" form with the parent, during which we discuss your child’s individual needs and preferences.
  2. The second session lasts a few hours, where the parent drops off the child and returns at the agreed time for pickup.

These sessions allow us to tailor our approach to best support your child.

Register Now

More information is provided in our welcome packs


Accident & Incident Policy

The safety of your child is paramount, and every measure will be taken to protect
your child from hurting themselves. However sometimes accidents do unavoidably
happen, and the following procedure will be carried out when dealing with the
We will complete a risk assessment every morning to minimize the risk of an accident
We are all paediatric first aid trained and update our training every 3 years
We teach and encourage the children to become aware of what hazards are i.e.,
picking up toys, sweeping up spilled sand/ water and how to look after themselves
and others
In the event of a minor accident or incident or injury to a child we will:
-Reassure the child
Administer relevant first aid treatment
-Where necessary, we will contact the parent if a bump to the head or face
has occurred.
-We will monitor the child for any signs of concussion.
Parents will be required to sign an accident form
Serious accident or incident
-The child will be comforted and reassured
-Appropriate first aid undertaken
-We will call an ambulance (999) or seek medical advice (111) if necessary
-The parent will be contacted. If we cannot make contact then we will call
the child’s emergency contact on their registration form.
- The parent will be expected to collect the child and seek medical advice
either from the DR, walk in centre or Accident and Emergency department.
-If necessary, send the child with the emergency services in an ambulance.
Where possible and where all children remain safe we may travel in the
ambulance with the injured child until parents arrive at the hospital.
-We will notify, children services, Ofsted, Early Years, the HSE and our insurance
company of any serious accident, illness, injury or death of any child in our
care, and of the action taken. This will be done within 14 days of the
-After every accident, however minor, will be recorded and the parents will be
asked to sign the accident or incident form.


We welcome visitors to our setting however to safeguard and protect the children in
our care we follow specific procedures when someone is visiting and we ask that all
visitors abide by these same procedures.
By signing in our Visitors book all visitors are agreeing to abide by the stipulations set
out below. They also agree that they will not divulge any confidential information
they may see or hear while in the setting.
• All visitors should either already be known to us or supply relevant identification
and reason for visiting
• If a visitor is at the premises to carry out work , such as building work, then their visit
would have been previously notified to us, they must have relevant ID and should
never be left unattended with the children. They must also never be present if there
are children being changed or toileting.
• Visitors must sign in on arrival and be briefed on the need for confidentiality,
evacuation procedure and appropriate behaviour in the setting including use of
mobile phones
• Mobile phones and bags should be locked either in their car or placed in the
kitchen area. This is so that phones cannot be used and bags are out of reach of the
• Visitors should be signed out when leaving the premises
• We ask that visitors do not use their mobile phone within the setting, garden or
surrounding areas. If they need to use their mobile phone then they can do so
outside the premises.
• While on the premises a visitor must not be left alone.
• Visitors are expected not to use inappropriate language or speak about
inappropriate content while on the premises
• Visitors must not smoke anywhere in or around the setting, this includes the garden
area and walkways in and out of the setting
• We ask that visitors respect both the premises and our equipment and ensure that
any children they may have with them do so as well.


We promote the good health of all children. We take positive steps to prevent the
spread of infection and take appropriate measures when children are ill.
Parents must provide up to date contact details for use in emergencies such as
illness. These should include the child's main carers as well as at least two further
emergency contacts who can be called upon should the child be unwell and need
to be taken home.
If a child becomes unwell or has a serious accident while at the setting we will
immediately contact the parents to discuss arrangements for the child to be
collected and taken home or to the doctors/hospital.
If a child develops a fever or suffers from sickness or diarrhoea while at the setting we
will contact the parents/emergency contacts and request that they come to collect
the child.
If a child has diarrhoea or sickness on the day that they are due to attend the setting
we ask that they remain at home until they are fully recovered but for at least 48
hours after the last bout of sickness or Diarrhoea.
If a child develops a fever whilst at the setting and it has risen to 38 degrees or
above we will contact the parent and request they collect their child.
If a child is suffering from an infectious illness such as chicken pox or scarlet fever we
ask that parents notify us so that we can advise the other parents of the setting
(without divulging any names) that an infectious disease/illness may be present.
We are required to notify Ofsted of certain infectious diseases. This includes cases of
food poisoning which has affected 2 or more children within the setting.

We will adhere to the same guidelines in the event that we or our own children are
If a child becomes unwell while they are at our setting then they will be kept
comfortable and quiet until their parents arrive to collect them.
We will follow the guidance from the Public Health England regarding ill or infectious
children with the exception to:
-conjunctivitis where the child is excluded until their eyes are clear from
discharge or 24 hours after treatment is started.

Threadworm where we will expect the child to be treated. They can return
after treatment
-Impetigo, exclusion until lesions are crusted and healed or 48 hours after
starting antibiotic treatment
-Hand foot and mouth
-Unexplained rash
If a child arrives looking or feeling unwell, we will
- Take the child’s temperature. If it is 38 degrees or over then will ask that the
child is taken home. During a pandemic we will require a PCR test to confirm
the child has no serious illness.
-Where there is no temperature then we will monitor the child and inform the
parent if they continue to seem unwell.
As a general rule, if a child is unable to participate in the normal daily routines, is
irritable, continuously crying, off their food or generally just not themselves then we
may require you to collect the child and keep them at home until you feel they are
back to their usual selves.
We have the right to refuse a child into the setting if we feel they are unwell
We will not pick children up from school or preschool/ nursery if they are ill, unless it is
not infectious to other children in our care. If we do pick children up from school at
any time other than the normal finishing time, I may charge a call out fee £10 and
then the normal fee per hour until they are collected.

Hours & Location

Phone: 0203 853 8530 - 07594398138

Regular Hours: Mon - Fri 08:00- 18:00

Extended Hours: Mon - Fri 07:00- 19:00

Location: Holmshaw Farm, Layhams Road, BR2 6AR - Keston Kent

(For privacy the full address is only disclosed to parents registered with us)